美术馆的新作品/The new NFT work

« 美术馆里的新作品 »旨在探讨 一件由数字尸体NFT后的数字艺术作品在 拍卖市场,美术馆,艺术学院,互联网平台里的传播与其引发的争议。旨在通过一件存在于虚拟世界的艺术作品所导致的现实世界的争议。 作品展示当今社会艺术背后的资本,围绕艺术生产过程中产生的的消费与剥削,各种利益势力之间围绕艺术展开的博弈。
How can a virtual object cause fluctuations in the real world?
This piece explores the dissemination of a digital art work in the art market, art galleries, art academies, and Internet platforms and the controversies it causes. A work of art that exists in a virtual world leads to a real-world controversy. The works show the consumption and exploitation in the process of art production, and the game between various interest forces around art.
乌托邦地图/The map of utopic

游戏地图对于虚拟世界的构造有着重要的作用,作品灵感来自于托马斯.莫尔的小说乌托邦的插图,这张图引人想象乌托邦的世界。乌托邦诞生于人类对显示当下世界的不满,是人们心目中的虚拟的完美城邦。曾经很多回避现实而逃进虚拟世界,今天的虚拟世界在多大程度上能朝着人类的理想世界去建设? 虚拟世界是人类罪恶的释放之地还是乌托邦?
The game map plays an important role in the construction of the virtual world. The work is inspired by the illustration of Thomas More’s novel <>. Utopia was born out of human dissatisfaction with the display of the current world, and it is a virtual perfect city-state in people’s minds. Many people used to avoid reality and escape into the virtual world. To what extent can today’s virtual world be built toward the ideal world of human beings? Is the virtual world a liberation place for human sins or a utopia?
少年宫/Palace of young pioneer

科技乌托邦的其中一个重要内驱力往往是人类对于现实的不满,人们将对现实的改造方案投射到一个未来的时间点上的基于技术乐观的虚构世界。人类社会对太空探索与地面上的物质生活,探索宇宙或是创造虚拟世界,未来与当下的投入比重一直争执不休。苏联时代,日丹诺夫创立少年先锋宫用以培养未来科技人才。后来为苏联的太空探索输了大量人才。少年宫的模式后被推广到其他的社会主义国家。在中国一座座少年宫在大城市兴建起来,他们或将皇家宫殿改造,或重新利用殖民时代留下的大型公馆,或直接建造。然而,对于大部分的中国儿童来说,少年宫只存在于想像之中,一个意识形态营造起来的乌托邦的承诺,一个存在于集体记忆中的一虚拟宫殿. 随着苏联的解体和东欧剧变,少年宫也隐入了历史。
AI 农场/AI farm

Farms serve as the intersection between human society and the natural world. However, as economies develop, natural resources are continuously exploited. Many extractions and consumptions, unnecessary yet prevalent in the industrialization of agricultural production, disrupt the ecological balance.This project aims to simulate a virtual digital farm via computer modeling. Artificial Intelligence will be tasked with maintaining a balanced ecosystem among animals, plants, soil, and water, setting it as a precondition for agricultural production. Furthermore, on the foundation of ecological balance, a smart contract will be established with the AI farm to ensure that the exploitation of nature is not compromised by the ecological damage caused by capitalistic greed.Simultaneously, this work provokes a debate: To what extent should human governance give way to algorithms for the world to regain balance? How should humans recalibrate their position amidst AI and nature?
System program