
变色龙的可根据周围环境变色的皮肤让变色龙隐藏身体,既能躲避天敌,又能迷惑自己的猎物. 我利用对抗神经网络,给机器学习算法输入了大量的变色龙身体各个部位的的图像, 神经网络根据这些图片生成了可变色的变色龙皮肤. 人工智能有一天是否也真的能像变色龙一样通过像素迷彩来当自己的保护色?
chameleon change the color of skin according to the surrounding environment for hiding the body, can not only avoid predators, and also confuse their prey. I use against neural network, I input a lot of images of chameleon various parts to the machine learning algorithm, the neural network generated the color-changing chameleon skin based on these pictures – It is a digital camouflage of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence one day can be like a chameleon hide himself with pixel camouflage?

我用机器学习学习与人类历史上政治人物相关的演讲视频, 用训练出的结果控制他们童年的照片进行演说. 作品由几个影像装置构成,形成一个荒诞的演说会场:
- 童年的希特勒在影片中重新演讲了卓别林在电影《大独裁者》中片尾的经典演说. 这场演说中卓别林呼吁人们不要变成机器, 而今天人的情绪被输入到算法之中, 算法也反过来影响人们的心绪甚至意识形态. 人类选举出来的政治人物是大部分人们意识形态的代理, 而算法是否能够携带人们的意识形态形成代理?
- 童年的布什发表电视“演说”: 该演说取材自其在2003年入侵伊拉克前发表的电视演说.
3 童年的特朗普照片信誓旦旦得发表他在2016大选获胜后的国会演说. 演说中他畅想美国建国250周年的样子. 随着演讲深入, 因为算法的不完美, 川普的脸也随着演讲而扭曲.
I used machine learning to learn speech videos related to political figures in human history, and used the training results to control their childhood photos for speeches. The work is composed of several video installations, forming an absurd speech venue:
- In his childhood Hitler re-speaks in the film Chaplin’s classic speech at the end of the movie “The Great Dictator”. In this speech, Chaplin urged people not to become machines, and today’s emotions are input into algorithms Among them, algorithms also in turn affect people’s mood and even ideology. Political figures elected by humans are the agents of most people’s ideologies, and can algorithms carry people’s ideologies to form agents?
- Bush gave a television “speech” in his childhood: The speech was based on his television speech before the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
3 The childhood photos of Trump vowed to deliver his congressional speech after his victory in the 2016 election. In the speech, he imagined the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. As the speech deepened, because of the imperfection of the algorithm, Trump’s face followed the speech and twisted.
数据入殓师/The Encoffiner of data

情緒食物鏈/Emotional food chain

悲伤,愤怒,喜悦的三种emoji相互攻杀吞噬, 随着时间的变化他们会进化,相互变异,分裂, 产卵,伪装,死亡,甚至组成阵列,人类在互联网世界的情绪是否能够形成一个生态系统? 作品可以被看作是一个互联网公共情绪的温度计或是“天气预报”,旨在启发人们思考一种公共情绪的调节,预测的甚至干预机制的可能性. 一种可操控可干预公共情绪的生物是否会在的未来出现?
Artificial intelligence determines the emotional value of Weibo’s hot searches, and the emoji generated in real time according to the emotions of different hot searches attack and swallow each other, and over time they will mutate, split, and die. Can human emotions in the Internet world form an ecosystem?


我虚构了一个虚拟世界的社区里的采访,影像中来自各个生物圈的动物化身从各自的角度(游客,本地居民,保安, 管理者)围绕家园的话题讲述这个社区的愿景,优势,问题 … 这些讨论既是当今游戏世界里的一些议题,同时又很像城市社区建设中的探讨。人物身后是现实的社区的风景。现实中的社区与虚拟世界中的社区因“乡愁”问题在此处产生交汇碰撞。